Tuesday 29 December 2009

Blind Panic by Graham Masterton

Red indian demon seeks vengeance on modern day America for the genocide of Native Americans. He does this by resurrecting an army of laser eyed coffin babies which materialise all over America, striking people blind. Fortunately, a couple of pesky psychics save the day by the cunning use of seances and mirrors.

I can't wait for the movie!

I have put on a couple of pounds over xmas so will be eating porridge and salad for the next few days.

Books I read 2009

* 43. I Spied a Pale Horse by Mark Timlin
* 42. Blind Panic by Graham Masterton
* 41. The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell
* 40. Duende Meadow by Paul Cook
* 39. Sniper One by Sgt Dan Mills
* 38. One by Conrad Williams
* 37. The Lincoln Hunters by Wilson Tucker
* 36. I am Justice by Paul Kenyon
* 35. The Carhullan Army by Sarah Hall
* 34. Brother Odd by Dean Koontz
* 33. Red Partisan by Nikolai Obryn'ba
* 32. Private 12768 by John Jackson
* 31. Survival World by Frank Belknap Long
* 30. Kronk by Edmund Cooper
* 29. Forever Odd by Dean Koontz
* 28. A Cat Called Adolf by Trude Levi
* 27. Journey Through the Night by Kurt Grubler
* 26. The Gone Away World by Nick Harkaway
* 25. Narrow Escapes by Samuel P. Oliner
* 24. Roman's Journey by Roman Halter
* 23. While Flocks Last by Charlie Elder
* 22. The Lonely Dead by Michael Marshall
* 21. The Straw Men by Michael Marshall
* 20. All fool's Day by Edmund Cooper
* 19. Defiance by Nechama Tec
* 18. Left for Dead in the Outback by Ricky Megee
* 17. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
* 16. Flood by Stephen Baxter
* 15. Death Cloud by Michael Mannion
* 14. Shallow Graves in Siberia by Michael Krupa
* 13. October Skies by Alex Scarrow
* 12. The Slynx by Tatyana Tolstoya
* 11. Barefoot Soldier by Johnson Beharry
* 10. Last Light by Alex Scarrow
* 9. A Good Day to Die by Simon Kernick
* 8. Brother in the Land by Robert Swindells
* 7. My Idea of Fun by Will Self
* 6. Brennan by Bernard Knight
* 5. Footprints of Thunder by James F. David
* 4. The Gift of Stones by Jim Crace
* 3. Relentless by Simon Kernick
* 2. Spares by Michael Marshall Smith
* 1. Velocity by Dean Koontz

Friday 11 December 2009

Mince and Tatties

I stopped for mince and tatties at the Cedar Cafe, one of Uncle George and Auntie Dot's local lunch spots which has been going for a long time and is a bit of a time warp. Braw.

Uncle George's Remembrance Service - 10/12/09

The service was well attended, with about 30 people there. Most of them went on to the cremation ceremony at the Seafield Crematorium in Edinburgh. Afterwards Margaret was holding a gathering at the Royal British Legion in Dunbar, which I didn't go to given the cooped up dogs and the long journey home ahead of me.

I kept my camera recording during the service in Cockburnspath and will put the recording up on my youtube account once it has uploaded (Edit - here it is). In the meantime, here is a transcript of what the Vicar said:-

George Taylor was born in Chapel Hill on 1st May 1913. He attended Primary School here in Cockburnspath and completed his education in Dunbar.

George left school, like many others, when he was 14 and went to work on the land until he was more than 40. He met his future wife, Dot at the local dance and they were, shortly after that, duly married. Dot died some 14 years ago, so I am told.

George then became a gardener and was regarded as a very hard worker. He then moved to a different job at what was then the Portland quarry, now part of Blue Circle cement. Eventually, he retired from there and began working for Berwickshire Council, looking after gardens around the village, here in Cocksburnpath.

In time , sadly, he was made redundant. However, he continued to employ his skills and enthusiasm in the world of gardening and related activities. Not only his own garden, which indeed he loved, but other people's. Here he endeared himself further in the public view and won much affection and appreciation.

Age didn't seem to matter to George, he just went on. He was a great gardener and didn't flinch at doing so many other kinds of jobs, even when he reached his 90's.

Within the wider community he developed a strong affection for the Royal British Legion in Dunbar. There he enjoyed the fellowship of like minded folk and he could reflect on a different era perhaps, and of times gone by and experiences shared.

George kept himself very fit, not only through sheer hard work on the land, and of course with all his gardening interests. He also loved to cycle and was to be seen regularly pedalling around the country roads.

In his earlier days he went on camping holidays up North and had a great love for Scottish dance music and song, in which he indulged. He was, I am told, a very accomplished singer and made his own renditions of many a well known ballad. He also enjoyed watching snooker.

But, perhaps most of all, he loved the companionship of other people. Not least his wife and those relatives that surrounded him.

Latterly, through declining health, he was placed into care at Fidra Care Home in North Berwick, where he received every attention and affection.

Margaret and Veronica were regular visitors and saw to as many of his needs as possible.

The wonderful picture on the front of the Order of Service shows a man hard at work. It also looks a bit threatening to me, with a big saw in his hand.

He had a strong personality, a very determined character and he didn't suffer fools gladly. I knew this when I went to visit him at Fidra once or twice. I summed him up in a second. He knew his place in life, and he sought to live life as fully as he could.

So this really brings, as it were, all our individual memories together to give thanks for the life and friendship of George Taylor and we commend him to God's grace and mercy. We also give thanks for the medical care and attention which he received from the staff at Fidra and we remember George's sister Alice, Margaret, Veronica and all the other members of his gathered family. We extend to them all our support and our sympathies.

Steel Rigg - 09/12/09

I stopped at Once Brewed in the Northumberland National Park to break my journey to Berwick.

I had intended to do an 8 mile walk but it was about 1pm when I arrived so there wouldn't have been enough daylight to do that walk. Instead I parked up and spent an hour walking (and sliding on my bottom thanks to the dogs and a steep muddy slope) around Steel Rigg which has a well preserved part of Hadrians Wall.

I took a short video of the dogs and the view from the start of the walk

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Weight Gain

14th Weigh in - Day 145 - 13st 13 lbs - 88kg

My weight loss has plateaued the last couple of weeks. I had an evening weigh in yesterday (I tend to be several pounds heavier in the evenings). I also felt bloated as I had just had a big dinner by adding a whole tin of butter beans with my chicken, pasta and carrots and thai curry paste so I am not unduly concerned by the weight gain this weigh in.

I bought a supply of bars in case I want to have one a day over the christmas period, but I will probably stop the diet within the next few days and see how I get on over christmas on a healthy diet.

I am trying to incorporate low GI foods into my diet - slow energy release carbohydrates such as lentils, beans, granary bread and brown pasta/rice - hence the butter beans yesterday.

I have received the application forms for becoming a cambridge diet counsellor - but they have given no indication of prices, without which I have no way of working out if it is worth my while doing it.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Back at the Gym

I went back to the gym yesterday for the first time since my holiday - I have found it hard getting myself back into the gym routine. I did an hour on the bike but didn't break into much of a sweat as I was reading the gruesome exploits of Hauptsturmfuhrer Maximilian Aue as I pedalled.

I decided to have a go on the running machine and was pleasantly surprised at how much easier it is for me to run now. I managed to do 20 minutes, raising a good sweat, and have done the same this evening. Hopefully I can keep it up.

I have reduced the diet bars to one a day now and will probably come off them completely in the next couple of weeks.

Saturday 28 November 2009

One, Two, Cha Cha Cha

I went along to watch Rachel compete in the Inter Varsity Dance Competition seeing as it was only a couple of miles away from me. I stayed a few hours and watched her fighting her way through the heats for the Waltz and the Quickstep. They were doing well when I left - good posture and powerful movement really enhanced their waltz.

Unfortunately, I'm having trouble uploading the video I took so only have these blurry photo's to show.

I have put the videos up on Youtube

Thursday 26 November 2009

Purple Book Award 2009

13th Weigh in - Day 134 - 13st 10lbs - 87kg

Notwithstanding that I have yet to finish it, with another 350 pages still to read,I can announce that the inaugural winner of the Purple Book Award goes to The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell. It is hands down the best book I have read this year. I bought this and started reading it when the hardback came out in April. I got about half way through its 1,000 pages before I decided to put it to one side as I had a big stack of Library books that I wanted to read. Its the wartime memoirs of the ficitious SS Officer, Maximilian Aue who is currently taking a tour of the death camps researching how to maximise output for the war effort.

I have a couple of other cheery books on the go, a non fiction from the library - White Cargo by Don Jordan and Michael Welsh - "The Forgotten History of Britains white slaves in America" and I Spied a Pale Horse by Mark Timlin yet another novel set in an empty, post pandemic UK. Nice and Christmassy.

Another 3 lbs lost since the last weigh in, not bad at all as I had a night on the town at the weekend. Consuming 6.5 pints of beer which works out at about 1500 extra calories.

Monday 16 November 2009

Back to work, ugh

12th Weigh in - Day 124 - 13st 13lbs - 88kg

Lost an amazing 6lbs while on holiday - all that walking round the big apple eating salad sandwiches and big (genetically modified)apples has paid off. Will stay on 2 bars a day plus food for a couple more weeks and then I'll probably reduce or stop the diet bars.

Also took my measurements - arms chest and thighs are the same as last measurement 5 weeks ago, but another inch has gone from the waist and inch and a half off the hips.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

The Met

I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art via a walk through Central Park and spent several hours looking at all the treasures, until I reached museum overload, having seen just a fraction of their exhibits.

I am resting my aching feet and back for a bit until Nick and Dayna get back from work, then off out for a goodbye meal out at a local Thai restaurant.

Coney Island

I took the subway from Manhattan out to Coney Island in the morning and was pleased to see it was as I thought from the movies, "Warriors" in particular, a faded seaside resort. It still has a few of the old rides there but everything was shut for the season. I walked up and down the boardwalk to Brighton beach. Russian is the first language in this area, I heard hardly any English being spoken during my walk along the beach. The weather was nice enough to sit on the beach and read but, regrettably not quite warm enough for me to strip down and show off the new slimline me to the Babushkas on the Boardwalk.

While I was there I had a look around the aquarium, which, like the Island was a bit run down and not very impressive for such a large City.

In the afternoon I headed back to Manhattan and watched "Zombieland".

Monday 9 November 2009

Lower Manhattan

I had to drop the car back in Manhattan for 830 am so set off about 7 am and handed it back at about 8am.

I then walked to Battery Park, the southernmost tip of Manhattan via Chelsea, Greenwich Village and the site of the World Trade Centre.

I took the ferry from Battery Park to Liberty Island and walked around the base of the Statue of Liberty then back on a ferry to Ellis Island where I spent a couple of hours looking around the immigration museum.

My return walk route in the afternoon took in Wall Street, South Street Seaport which gave a good view of the Brooklyn Bridge, Chinatown and SoHo. A lot of walking done today - I guess about 10 miles

Road Trip Day 7 - 8/11/09

I headed a short distance north to Millbrook and stopped at an old, stainless steel diner for a coffee. I then drove to Wings Castle, met the money grubbing owner who said it was closed for tours until midday but still wanted 10 bucks to look round the outside. As I was stood outside it anyway, I said tata and got back in my car.

I moved on to the Woodbury Common outlet stores for another splurge and then drove back to Nick and Dayna's house. I have to return the car to Manhattan by 8.30 in the morning, so have one final battle with the commuters.

Road Trip Day 6 - 7/11/09

After a cup of black coffee I headed on with the drive, having a quick look at Woodstock, then a look around the historic stockade area of Kingston and a look at another old town, New Paltz.

In the afternoon I went to the Minnewaska state park which was beautiful - scenic views and a walk around a forested lake with sandstone cliffs.

I stayed at a motel just outside Poughkeepsie. The motelier told me there was a nice walk down the road over a bridge over the Hudson that had only just opened in October. I managed to squeeze that in before dusk. It's the worlds longest footbridge - the Hudson is half a mile wide at this point and the bridge is about a mile long, it used to be a railroad bridge. I just had enough time to cross it, turn around and recross before they closed it at dusk.

Road Trip Day 5 - 06/11/09

I drove into the City and left the car in all day parking to explore Toronto on foot. As it was a nice clear (but cold, being on the shore of Lake Ontario) day, I went up the CN Tower.

I then joined a tour of the Campbell House Museum - just me and 1 other person on the tour. It's the oldest remaining building in Toronto, built in the 1850's by a Judge. The house was saved from demolition in the 70's by being moved to its present location. I didn't find a great deal of tourist sites of interest to me in Toronto so just ambled and gawked the rest of the afternoon and decided to head back into the USA by a night drive to the Catskills area.

I left Toronto at 5.30pm with all the commuters and stopped at Niagara Falls about 7.30 to watch a movie "Paranormal Activity". It was ok, not brilliant, but it was the only film starting at the time I arrived.

It was then back into the car on cruise control at 65 mph until I felt sleepy stopping at a service area for an hours sleep in the (very cold) back of the car then driving on again until I got to a service area near Utica where I got another 3 hours sleep, waking up with feet like ice blocks.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Road Trip Day 4 - 05/11/09

I spent the morning shopping at an outlet centre in Niagara Falls. I was pleasantly surpised to find that I fit into size 32" Jeans - I've dropped 10" round the waist! and I fit into medium t shirts.

The afternoon was spent driving to Toronto. I arrived about 3.30 pm. I hadn't intended to come to Canad until the last couple of weeks and hadn't done any research. My first stop was to a bookshop to get a guidebook. I then headed into the City centre but the one way system would not let me near the hotel I wanted to stay in in the city and so I had to give up on that plan and headed out of town as it was getting too dark for me to drive and map read. I got caught in the rush hour exodus and just went with the flow as the maps I had were of no use and it was too dark to read them anyway. I have ended up staying in luxury (by my standards) a Holiday Inn near the airport.

I shall be looking around Toronto tomorrow - not sure where I will be staying yet, will probably move on somewhere else in Ontario. I will head back on Saturday evening, probably driving through the night to get to the Hudson valley area. I intend to stay at Tarrytown Sunday night and have Woodstock, Sleepy Hollow, Opus 40 and Wings Castle on my list of things to do around there. I might also pay another visit to the Woodbury Common shops if I have many $'s left

Road Trip day 3 - 04/11/09

I drove to Watkins Glen State Park first thing and did the walk up the gorge and back to the car park along the ridge on the south side of the Gorge.

I then drove to Niagara Falls and did a walk around the park seeing the falls from all the viewpoints. Very impressive and luckily there were hardly any other tourists there. The state park is well maintained and a stark contrast to the rest of the town which is mostly industrial complexes and strip malls. I stayed at a cheapo motel on the route into town. It reminded of the David Lynch film "Eraserhead" as it was a dingy room and there was a buzz of industrial noises coming from the traffic and the motels hot water system, all night.

Road Trip Day 2 - 03/11/09

I drove South to Cortland and Ithaca and visited a couple of 2nd hand bookshops in Dryden then did a walk around the Sapsucker Wood Sanctuary where I was fortunate to see a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker as well as a red tailed hawk, a deer and a muskrat all at very close quarters.

I then drove on to the Buttermilk Falls State Park and did a walk around all of their trails, then headed back as it was too dark to go on to Watkins Glen as I had planned.

Road Trip day 1 - 02/11/09

I went into Manhattan first thing and collected the hire car, a Pontiac G6 and headed out of the city following route directions off the interet and, amazingly didn't go wrong once. I arrived at Skaneatles in the early afternoon and spent the rest of the day there, skulking round the town and in my motel room. It's a fairly sleepy place as this is off season - a picturesque, lake side town/village.

Sunday 1 November 2009


I went into Manhattan with Nick this morning and had a look round the Guggenheim's Kandinsky exhibition. The marathon was on today and it ended in Central Park, near the Guggenheim. We walked through the Park, following the route of the Marathon. We walked down to times square and split up there,I saw a film, "Law Abiding Citizen" in the afternoon, It wasn't fantastic but was starting when I arrived so decided to see it.

Tomorrow I pick up the hire car and shall be heading up to the Finger Lakes area. I have booked 2 nights at the Birds Nest Motel in Skaneatles.

Halloween in New York

Nick and I went out to Bear Mountain State Park first thing in his shiny new BMW (I always seem to get chauffered in nice cars in the USA!)and did a hike to the top of the mountain and back. It was about 3 miles and took an hour and a half or so. It was very overcast and misty so didn't get to see any of the views but it was a good workout for me, a gentle stroll for Nick. When we got back to the car I shed my sweaty clothes, put them in the trash and we then drove to the nearby, vast, Woodbury Common outlet centre and had a splurge. I got one of the coupon books which paid for itself 3 x over in the first shop.

We went back, ate and got changed then headed into Manhattan for a few beers and to see the Halloween atmosphere. Almost everyone was dressed up apart from me and Nick. Dayna made the effort and was in a pirate wench costume. I was happy just to be wearing some smart clothes that fit me for a change. I had my first alcohol since the diet - 4 bottles of Bud Light - a low calorie beer, not bad.

Saturday 31 October 2009

New York Trip

Had a smooth flight over,leaving a bit later than scheduled as the plane was delayed coming in to LHR but made up time crossing the Atlantic and we arrived early at JFK. I flew with Kuwait Airlines - a cheap flight but there were the minor niggles - i didn't bother with the films as the sound and picture quality was terrible and the cabin lighting on my part of the plane wasn't working.

I got through customs in record time - my luggage was one of the first off the plane. I then had a short taxi ride to Nick and Dayna's, found their spare key as they were both still out at work and got in just in time to watch "Survivor".

Yesterday I set off into Manhattan with Nick and did some of the sights - first I went up the Empire State Building. I did that about 9am and was fortunate to miss the crowds, when I got back down 40 minutes later there was a long queue forming.

I then walked over to Grand Central Station and had a look at the concourse, a very impressive building. Next I walked back to the NY library for a free tour at 11 am which was well worth doing. the library and Grand Central buildings are both in the "Beaux Arts" style. The library is incredible, built from solid marble.

In the afternoon I waddled along to Times Square and down Broadway. I was starting to flag with my back aching from all the standing up/walking. I bought a guide book for New York state for my road trip next week - a "moon" guidebook - not come across them before but it was the only NY state guidebook in the shop and it looks like a similar format to the Lonely Planet books.

Had a coffee then headed back to Nick's office and commuted back with him. Had my first proper meal since the diet began - a Thai green curry from the local takeaway. It tasted delicious.

Wednesday 28 October 2009


This was taken 04/07/09, 10 days before I started the diet.

Monday 26 October 2009

Weigh in and holiday preparations

11th Weigh in - Day 103 - 14st 5lbs - 91kg

It has been two and a half weeks since the last weigh in and another 5lbs have gone. I stocked up on the bars/shakes for my New York trip which starts on Thursday. I will try and keep this blog updated while I am away. The ideal would be to stay on the meal plan I am on at the moment but that may not be possible when I am on the road or if I am eating out.

The plan is to spend the first few days in NY city with my friends Nick & Dayna. I have booked a hire car for a week - 02/11 - 09/11 and intend to head up to the Niagara Falls via the Finger Lakes area then head over to the Adirondacks and back to NYC, perhaps via the Catskills.

Having read the rental agreement I note that I am able to take the car over the Canadian border so might do that. Another possibility is to head further north into New England. I will probably have plenty to see just in NY state though. When I get back to NYC I will have a few more days to do a bit more sightseeing.

I shall be flying out dressed like Charlie Chaplin and shall be flinging out old clothes as I go along. I will do a shopathon at Woodbury Common Outlet Centre which is near my friends house - 220 stores!!

Sunday 25 October 2009

I am Justice by Paul Kenyon

I am just about finished this book. I saw the Panorama programme recently and then saw the book in the library. It's incredible the risks economic migrants from Africa are prepared to take to try to reach Europe

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Mr Blobby....

Was in the charts last time I was in the 13 stones. The scales read 13 st 13 lbs when I stepped on them this morning, woohoo. This was in my birthday suit though, so 4 or 5 lbs lighter than the regular weigh ins at my fatfighters meetings that I have been posting on this blog.

Sunday 18 October 2009


I was going to walk the dogs in the local country park this morning but decided, en route, to head out to the Peak District and do a walk in Cromford that I have done a few times before - starting at Arkwights Mill and following the Canal for a mile or so, then head back up a steep hill and down to the village through fields used for grazing sheep. It was a nice sunny morning and not many people were about so I was glad I had the change of plan. Bruno, as usual managed to snuffle out a stinky mud wallow and got thoroughly caked. Fortunately, Milo didn't notice it.

I am currently reading "The Lincoln Hunters" by Wilson Tucker a sci fi set in the 2500's where its possible to time travel back to the historic event of your choice, for a fee. The plot being set around a trip back to record a speech against slavery by Lincoln. I am also reading "The Carhullan Army" by Sarah Hall a dystopia set in a Britain post an economic collapse, a puppet state of the USA, ruled by a dictatorship with the heroine escaping North to join the rebel army of the title.

Monday 12 October 2009


Did a walk around Youlgreave on Sunday. There was a lot of livestock around so kept the dogs on their leads. I couldn't follow the directions on my intended walk very easily from the outset so gave up on it and just ambled around on some of the zillions of public footpaths around this village.

I only ended up doing about 4 miles as, after about an hour, I felt pretty lethargic. Hoping to get an energy boost, I ate my packed lunch at 10am and carried on for another hour or so but it started drizzling so headed back to the car. I hadn't been to Youlgreave before, a nice village, will have to come back on a sunnier day. I stopped at Bakewell on the way back for a quick wander round the shops.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Nearly there

10th Weigh in - Day 85 - 14st 10lbs - 93kgs

I had my measurements taken as well:-

Waist 40" (was 48.5 at start of diet)
Hips 41.5" (47.5)
Chest 39" (50)
Arms 12.25" (16)
Thighs 19.5" (21.5)

My meals consist of:-

Breakfast: 1 CD Bar + 30g Porridge
Lunch: 1 CD Bar + Bowl of salad
Dinner: Small Jacket Potato (100g)/40g brown pasta/40g brown rice + 180g Chicken Breast/tin tuna/335g cottage cheese + salad/brocolli/spinach + 50kcal fruit (eg 1 apple).

Only 2lbs lost this week but that is good given that I have re-introduced food.

This week I will increase the protein a bit by adding 100g King Prawns to my lunch time salad.

I have done 3 sessions in the gym so far this week - on the exercise bike and the rowing machine. I have lost a lot of strength with the weight loss and the low calorie intake - I could only manage 10 minutes rowing when I had intended to do an hour. I will have to build up my rowing time gradually.

I am currently reading two books from the library - "Brother Odd" by Dean Koontz - the 3rd in his 4 book series and "Red Partisan" by Nikolai Obryn'ba - the interesting memoir of a Russian WWII POW who escaped to fight as a partisan in the Russian forests.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Reintroducing food this week

9th Weigh In - Day 78 - 14st 12lbs - 94kg

Another 6lbs this week!! Have done some sweaty gym sessions which have helped.

I will reduce the diet to 2 cambridge diet bars/shakes plus some carefully weighed and chosen food starting tomorrow. This will hopefully prevent any further attacks of gout but will slow down my weight loss.

Monday 28 September 2009

Gym Induction

I had a tour round the gym today with a trainer trying out the machines and working out a programme of exercises to do. Did a few minutes on each of the machines and a set of each of the suggested weight exercises. It is now down to me to get on with it. I intend to try to do 5 hour long sessions a week, a mixture of cardiovascular and weight training exercises.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Chee Dale

Did this very enjoyable walk this morning. Rather than striking inland to Blackwell, I carried along by the river for a bit and then turned back staying with the river all the way back to the car park. This meant I went through the most spectacular part of the walk, by Chee Tor, twice. The water was crystal clear and full of trout. The dogs loved splashing in the river and got thoroughly soaked(and then invited themselves into someones riverside house at the end of the walk! eek!). I will definitely be doing this walk again, stretches of the river reminded me of the river walk in Zion National Park, Utah that I did about this time last year.

I saw a doctor yesterday regarding the results of the blood test. He was happy for me to continue with the Cambridge Diet. Apart from the raised levels of Uric Acid in the blood, he said the test also showed a slightly high level of one of the liver enzymes. He thought that this may also be a side effect of the diet and suggested I have another blood test in 6 months time.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Got Gout

8th Weigh in - Day 71 - 15 st 4 lbs - 97kg

Surprised that I have managed to lose another 6lbs this week, this far into the diet. I am on an add a meal week this week so am looking forward to my tin of tuna and stick of celery each day. I will then go back onto just the bars/shakes until my trip to New York at the end of October, when I will stop the diet completely for the duration of the holiday. It will be a good opportunity to see how I cope on real food again and will have to avoid the junk food and be very careful with the carbohydrates.

I have finally heard from the gym after much chasing up. I have my induction session on Monday.

Just rang the Dr's surgery for the result of the blood test which confirms that the pain in my ankle was gout. Will see a Dr tomorrow to discuss what this means regarding the diet.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Lost a Labrador

In weight that is. Hard to believe I was lugging all that about.

7th Weigh in - Day 64 - 15st 10lbs - 99kg

Hit a lot of targets this week -

I have lost 5 st
I have lost 25% of bodyweight
My BMI has reduced to just under 30 meaning I am now overweight rather than obese

Took my measurements which are now-

Waist 42
Hips 42.5
Chest 41
Arms 13.5
Thighs 21

Sunday 13 September 2009

Carsington Water

Got up bright and early and did this walk this morning. A great walk for the dogs as they were able to run off lead for most of it and there was plenty of mud and water to splash in.

Friday 11 September 2009

Chatsworth House

Did this walk this morning with the dogs. Really enjoyed it as there was hardly anyone else about and the weather was perfect. The dogs found a series of stagnant mud wallows to roll in, luckily I had remembered to put a towel in the boot. My ankle was a lot better with the occasional jolt of agony if I missed my footing, giving me "granny ankle".

I Saw a Doctor about it this afternoon and will have a blood test to determine whether it is gout or not next Friday. In the meantime, stick with the plan. She said if it was gout then she wouldn't have expected me to be able to do the 11km walk I had done this morning and would have expected my ankle to look red and feel hot to the touch. She had no other explanation as to what it could be if not gout though(given that I have definitely not twisted/injured it in any way recently).

Thursday 10 September 2009

A Bout of Gout

Woke up with a pain in my ankle/foot making walking painful. I had the same thing 4 weeks ago and was laid up for a day. I believe its Gout but will hobble to the Dr's this afternoon. I would guess that it is a side effect of the Cambridge Diet. Will see what the Dr advises.

A pity as it's a beautiful day and I intended doing a hike in the Peak District this morning.

Monday 7 September 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Man

6th Weigh in - Day 54 - 16st - 101kg

Another great result. Not done much exercise this last week as I was away - just lawn mowing and dog walking. Will pick up with the Jogging again tomorrow. Will also have to chase up the gym so I can start doing some miles on the bikes. The Dr's referral scheme allows you £1 a session for 16 weeks and then a reduced membership afterwards. Not bad at all, will hopefully enable me to get into a routine first without having to sign up to a direct debit.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Online Brouhaha

It's not like me to get involved in online hoo-ha but just had a spat with a bunch of street photographers I felt over stepped the mark. It's self explanatory so here it is. NB excuse the slightly fruity language.

Thursday 27 August 2009


5th weigh in - Day 43 - 16 st 9lbs - 105kg

Have heard from the gym about the referral scheme so should be starting some serious gym sessions within a couple of weeks. In the meantime I have started doing a morning jog with the dogs. Only about half a mile, but a start.

I haven't lost as much this week but a respectable amount nonetheless and it is also probably due to the increased calories from adding the tuna and from doing some exercise and building muscle. It has also only been 6 days between this and the last weigh in.

I had all my measurements taken today which I hadn't been keeping track of since I started but they are also pretty impressive:-

Measurements at start of diet (inches)
Waist - 48.5
Hips - 47.5
Chest - 50
Arms - 16
Thighs - 21.5

Measurements at 5th weigh in, Day 43
Waist - 44
Hips -
Chest - 42
Arms - 13.5
Thighs - 21

So my manboobs have taken a real hammering.

Monday 24 August 2009

Some Real Food

Day 37 - 4th weigh in - 16st 12lbs - 107kg.

Have added in a "meal" (80g tuna + a stick of celery) per day for this week then back to just dust bars/shakes.

Still waiting for the paperwork to go through from the GP for the gym - it would probably have been simpler just to join. Had a free session yesterday doing a half hour on the bike.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Flab bags

Day 29 - 3rd Weigh in - 17st 2 lbs - 108kg

I need to start toning up, otherwise I could be left with flaps of extra skin, so I intend to join the local gym this week. Apparently the Dr can prescribe gym membership so might test that out tomorrow.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Too many books/movies, never enough time

I have a huge mountain of books to read but keep finding more I want to read, so most end up added to the heap as I keep getting books from the library as well and prioritise reading those before I take one from the stockpile. I've got six from the library at the moment that I am working through.

I am reading a couple of post apocalypse books at the moment, The Gone away World by Nick Harkaway which is a slow read but good in its rather weird way. Also Plague Year by Jeff Carlson, nice and topical with a man made plague involving nanobots.

I have been watching a lot of movies on Tudou - no wonder my local DVD rental store has closed.

The weight continues to fall off me rapidly. Had my second weigh in today. The details are:-

start weight - 19st 10lbs - 125kg
Day 12 - 1st weigh in - 18st 9lbs - 118kg
Day 22 - 2nd weigh in - 17st 11lbs - 112kg

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Dust + Water = Good Food

I started the Cambridge Diet 2 weeks ago and have found it surprisingly easy to follow with only the first day feeling a bit rough. I had the first weigh in on day 12 and had lost an amazing 15lbs. Only another 80lbs or so to go. It's a good feeling having moved myself away from the dreaded "morbidly obese" category and putting extra notches in my belt. Dusting off old clothes that now fit feels great.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Left for Dead in the Outback by Ricky Megee

I remembered hearing about this guy on the news so got his book. If you get stuck in the Outback, don't eat the cockroaches but the leeches are delicious.

Monday 8 June 2009

European Election Snoozefest - 04/06/09

15 hours sat in a scout hut with just 168 turning up to vote out of 1,300 voters. Gave me a chance to finish the Dean Koontz (an easy read but the same plot as most of his other novels, just tweaked a little here and there).

If my maths is correct thats a 13% turnout, shockingly low.

Monday 1 June 2009

First Post

Thought I'd start a blog to post any mildly interesting trips/events and to comment on the books I read.

Am currently reading:-

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz and

The Kindly Ones by Johnathan Littell