Thursday 5 November 2009

Road Trip Day 4 - 05/11/09

I spent the morning shopping at an outlet centre in Niagara Falls. I was pleasantly surpised to find that I fit into size 32" Jeans - I've dropped 10" round the waist! and I fit into medium t shirts.

The afternoon was spent driving to Toronto. I arrived about 3.30 pm. I hadn't intended to come to Canad until the last couple of weeks and hadn't done any research. My first stop was to a bookshop to get a guidebook. I then headed into the City centre but the one way system would not let me near the hotel I wanted to stay in in the city and so I had to give up on that plan and headed out of town as it was getting too dark for me to drive and map read. I got caught in the rush hour exodus and just went with the flow as the maps I had were of no use and it was too dark to read them anyway. I have ended up staying in luxury (by my standards) a Holiday Inn near the airport.

I shall be looking around Toronto tomorrow - not sure where I will be staying yet, will probably move on somewhere else in Ontario. I will head back on Saturday evening, probably driving through the night to get to the Hudson valley area. I intend to stay at Tarrytown Sunday night and have Woodstock, Sleepy Hollow, Opus 40 and Wings Castle on my list of things to do around there. I might also pay another visit to the Woodbury Common shops if I have many $'s left

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