Monday 9 November 2009

Lower Manhattan

I had to drop the car back in Manhattan for 830 am so set off about 7 am and handed it back at about 8am.

I then walked to Battery Park, the southernmost tip of Manhattan via Chelsea, Greenwich Village and the site of the World Trade Centre.

I took the ferry from Battery Park to Liberty Island and walked around the base of the Statue of Liberty then back on a ferry to Ellis Island where I spent a couple of hours looking around the immigration museum.

My return walk route in the afternoon took in Wall Street, South Street Seaport which gave a good view of the Brooklyn Bridge, Chinatown and SoHo. A lot of walking done today - I guess about 10 miles


  1. Did you meet your friend yet?

    Dogs are fine - managed to break one picture frame and Bruno destroyed his nose harness

  2. Stuart will anyone be home on Friday if I come direct to you to pick up the dogs/car? I should probaby get there late morning/lunchtime.
