Thursday 5 November 2009

Road Trip day 3 - 04/11/09

I drove to Watkins Glen State Park first thing and did the walk up the gorge and back to the car park along the ridge on the south side of the Gorge.

I then drove to Niagara Falls and did a walk around the park seeing the falls from all the viewpoints. Very impressive and luckily there were hardly any other tourists there. The state park is well maintained and a stark contrast to the rest of the town which is mostly industrial complexes and strip malls. I stayed at a cheapo motel on the route into town. It reminded of the David Lynch film "Eraserhead" as it was a dingy room and there was a buzz of industrial noises coming from the traffic and the motels hot water system, all night.

1 comment:

  1. Mum wants to know if you chucked a tantrum at Niagara Falls!?!?!
