Monday 9 November 2009

Road Trip Day 5 - 06/11/09

I drove into the City and left the car in all day parking to explore Toronto on foot. As it was a nice clear (but cold, being on the shore of Lake Ontario) day, I went up the CN Tower.

I then joined a tour of the Campbell House Museum - just me and 1 other person on the tour. It's the oldest remaining building in Toronto, built in the 1850's by a Judge. The house was saved from demolition in the 70's by being moved to its present location. I didn't find a great deal of tourist sites of interest to me in Toronto so just ambled and gawked the rest of the afternoon and decided to head back into the USA by a night drive to the Catskills area.

I left Toronto at 5.30pm with all the commuters and stopped at Niagara Falls about 7.30 to watch a movie "Paranormal Activity". It was ok, not brilliant, but it was the only film starting at the time I arrived.

It was then back into the car on cruise control at 65 mph until I felt sleepy stopping at a service area for an hours sleep in the (very cold) back of the car then driving on again until I got to a service area near Utica where I got another 3 hours sleep, waking up with feet like ice blocks.

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