Thursday 24 September 2009

Got Gout

8th Weigh in - Day 71 - 15 st 4 lbs - 97kg

Surprised that I have managed to lose another 6lbs this week, this far into the diet. I am on an add a meal week this week so am looking forward to my tin of tuna and stick of celery each day. I will then go back onto just the bars/shakes until my trip to New York at the end of October, when I will stop the diet completely for the duration of the holiday. It will be a good opportunity to see how I cope on real food again and will have to avoid the junk food and be very careful with the carbohydrates.

I have finally heard from the gym after much chasing up. I have my induction session on Monday.

Just rang the Dr's surgery for the result of the blood test which confirms that the pain in my ankle was gout. Will see a Dr tomorrow to discuss what this means regarding the diet.

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