Friday 11 September 2009

Chatsworth House

Did this walk this morning with the dogs. Really enjoyed it as there was hardly anyone else about and the weather was perfect. The dogs found a series of stagnant mud wallows to roll in, luckily I had remembered to put a towel in the boot. My ankle was a lot better with the occasional jolt of agony if I missed my footing, giving me "granny ankle".

I Saw a Doctor about it this afternoon and will have a blood test to determine whether it is gout or not next Friday. In the meantime, stick with the plan. She said if it was gout then she wouldn't have expected me to be able to do the 11km walk I had done this morning and would have expected my ankle to look red and feel hot to the touch. She had no other explanation as to what it could be if not gout though(given that I have definitely not twisted/injured it in any way recently).

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