Monday 12 October 2009


Did a walk around Youlgreave on Sunday. There was a lot of livestock around so kept the dogs on their leads. I couldn't follow the directions on my intended walk very easily from the outset so gave up on it and just ambled around on some of the zillions of public footpaths around this village.

I only ended up doing about 4 miles as, after about an hour, I felt pretty lethargic. Hoping to get an energy boost, I ate my packed lunch at 10am and carried on for another hour or so but it started drizzling so headed back to the car. I hadn't been to Youlgreave before, a nice village, will have to come back on a sunnier day. I stopped at Bakewell on the way back for a quick wander round the shops.

1 comment:

  1. Been to both Bakewell and Youlgreave as a wee lassie
