Sunday 18 October 2009


I was going to walk the dogs in the local country park this morning but decided, en route, to head out to the Peak District and do a walk in Cromford that I have done a few times before - starting at Arkwights Mill and following the Canal for a mile or so, then head back up a steep hill and down to the village through fields used for grazing sheep. It was a nice sunny morning and not many people were about so I was glad I had the change of plan. Bruno, as usual managed to snuffle out a stinky mud wallow and got thoroughly caked. Fortunately, Milo didn't notice it.

I am currently reading "The Lincoln Hunters" by Wilson Tucker a sci fi set in the 2500's where its possible to time travel back to the historic event of your choice, for a fee. The plot being set around a trip back to record a speech against slavery by Lincoln. I am also reading "The Carhullan Army" by Sarah Hall a dystopia set in a Britain post an economic collapse, a puppet state of the USA, ruled by a dictatorship with the heroine escaping North to join the rebel army of the title.


  1. which speech was that? I'm still working my way through 'Team of Rivals' - a biography on Lincoln

  2. His lost speech of 1850 - You still reading that!! If you could time travel a couple of years forward you might be nearly finished.
