Thursday 6 August 2009

Too many books/movies, never enough time

I have a huge mountain of books to read but keep finding more I want to read, so most end up added to the heap as I keep getting books from the library as well and prioritise reading those before I take one from the stockpile. I've got six from the library at the moment that I am working through.

I am reading a couple of post apocalypse books at the moment, The Gone away World by Nick Harkaway which is a slow read but good in its rather weird way. Also Plague Year by Jeff Carlson, nice and topical with a man made plague involving nanobots.

I have been watching a lot of movies on Tudou - no wonder my local DVD rental store has closed.

The weight continues to fall off me rapidly. Had my second weigh in today. The details are:-

start weight - 19st 10lbs - 125kg
Day 12 - 1st weigh in - 18st 9lbs - 118kg
Day 22 - 2nd weigh in - 17st 11lbs - 112kg

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