Tuesday 8 December 2009

Weight Gain

14th Weigh in - Day 145 - 13st 13 lbs - 88kg

My weight loss has plateaued the last couple of weeks. I had an evening weigh in yesterday (I tend to be several pounds heavier in the evenings). I also felt bloated as I had just had a big dinner by adding a whole tin of butter beans with my chicken, pasta and carrots and thai curry paste so I am not unduly concerned by the weight gain this weigh in.

I bought a supply of bars in case I want to have one a day over the christmas period, but I will probably stop the diet within the next few days and see how I get on over christmas on a healthy diet.

I am trying to incorporate low GI foods into my diet - slow energy release carbohydrates such as lentils, beans, granary bread and brown pasta/rice - hence the butter beans yesterday.

I have received the application forms for becoming a cambridge diet counsellor - but they have given no indication of prices, without which I have no way of working out if it is worth my while doing it.

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