Monday 5 March 2012


The dogs were full of bounce this morning, having been abandoned for the egg hunt on Saturday, and only short walks yesterday because of the rain and the journey home.

I decided to explore Sneinton which lies to the east of the City Centre. It is the birthplace of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army and William Abednego Thompson
better known by his nickname "Bendigo" a famous bare knuckle boxer of the 19th Century.

As I approached Sneinton there were reminders of the area's two famous sons. I passed the Salvation Army headquarters - the William Booth Memorial Hall:-
And across the road lies the tomb of Bendigo in the St Marys Rest Garden:-
I considered buying one of these houses which overlook the Park and Rest Garden, but was put off by the crime levels in the area (a woman was raped in this park a few days before/after I viewed the house that I was interested in), and by the advice from a surveyor friend that this terrace suffers from damp problems:-
I had a look at Sneinton market square, which lies across the road from the park. It has just undergone a £6.8 million revamp. It seems a bit pricey to me when compared to the revamp of the much larger Old Market Square in the City Centre. That cost £8 million, I believe (although it was done about 8 years ago):-
There is a statue of Bendigo on top of the boarded up Hermitage pub. The pub was originally called The Bendigo:-
There are some nice old victorian houses around here. Next to this pub each house has a little carved head above the front door:-

I remember that these were selling for £25,000 about 10 years ago (they are still cheap - £50,000 or so).

This building used to be the Old Wrestler's Inn, the original pub associated with Bendigo. It's been covered with render and double glazed, I guess that it is probably full of students now:-
Around the corner is another strange looking house:-
I walked up the hill past Greens windmill:-

A few more terraced streets brought me to Colwick Wood Park, the bit the dogs had been waiting for, a large park incorporating cliff side woodland and open grass areas. I did a full circuit, allowing the dogs a good romp, and then headed back through Sneinton to the City Centre.
I stopped in the Market Square and took some photo's. The dogs were happy to pose - a sign that they have had a good walk:-
Three lions:-
The "Occupy Nottingham" protestors are still encamped in a corner of the square. I understand they are due for eviction tomorrow. I might go along and gawk if I have nothing better to do.

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