Wednesday 21 March 2012


I parked the car in Chilwell and walked back home - thats a distance of about 7 miles. I intended to start the walk with a circuit of Hobgoblin Wood. When I got there, however, I discovered that it is inaccessible, it forms part of the Chilwell barracks complex.

My walk through Chilwell followed the route of the new tram line which has just started construction. Quite a lot of green space will be lost to the tram. All this will go:-
Another area of trees that have been cleared:-
A big chunk of Chilwell High Road will go too:-
The rest of the walk was familiar to me, through Beeston, where I used to live, and then through the University of Nottingham Campus.

The dogs in the small botanical garden on the Campus:-
I will do a different route back to Chilwell tomorrow to retrieve my car.

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