Tuesday 13 March 2012

Lucky Dollar

I didn't see any interesting mascots at the poker tournament the other day, just a few people with lucky poker chips. I could do with some "flair" as my table presence is quite unassuming -keeping quiet and playing a tight game.

I put this mascot on trial last night at the weekly pub game:-
If a mascot doesn't cut the mustard then I will try a different one for the next game (it's not as if I have any shortage of supply!)

I thought Lucky Dollar's career was to be shortlived, as, at the 1 hour break I had had no luck and was down to only a handful of chips.

My luck changed significantly, however, after the break and I ended up finishing second, so hopefully this little chap will see me through to Vegas!


  1. A mascot seems incredibly appropriate for you Ian. Maybe you need several, depending on what mood you are in.

  2. Lol, yes, maybe I'll take a box of them and fish a different one out for each hand I play - like Jacarama (a poker player (and a twit)look him up)used to do with shades and hats.

  3. http://blog.kidrobot.com/paul-budnitz-x-jeremyville-interview/
