Thursday 8 March 2012


I drove 8 miles out to Cotgrave Country Park for the start of this 5 hour walk. It's a great park, yet another one that I had never visited before:-
A quick dip in Heron Lake:-
There were quite a few dogs out:-
The park is huge, built on the site of the coal pit. After a circuit of the northern part of the park, I walked through Cotgrave. I had heard that there is a colony of stingless bees that live in this wall, so stopped to have a look. The wall was riddled with holes where they have made their homes, but I guess they are still hibernating:-
On the other side of Cotgrave lies a privately owned forest used for pheasant shoots and timber. I have been here before, but it was more than ten years ago as I didn't have the dogs then. This area has been cleared and replanted since I was last here. The replanting didn't look too successful as there seemed to be a lot of empty tree protection sleeves:-
There are still plenty of trees left though:-
I took a track that led to the small village of Clipston, then headed north across farmland for a couple of miles. There was a group of people out metal detecting in a freshly ploughed field. I had a chat with one of them who showed me their haul, some coins from the 17oo's and a sack tie used when grain was valuable.
The path led me to the disused Grantham canal which took me back into the Country Park:-
The dogs were filthy, so had a wash when I got home - it's only a week since their last wash.

Drying off outside "The Bell":-
No matter how many bins are provided there will always be litter - a woman walked past and dropped this piece of litter:-

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