Friday 14 October 2011

Stockholm - Day 3 - 8/10/11

Saturday, so no meetings for Sarah. We drove to Stockholm where we arrived just in time for the, once daily, 11.30 am Stieg Larsson tour. A 90 minute walking tour of Stockholm, yakking about the sites mentioned in the author's millenium trilogy

Here is Michael Blomquist outside his flat:-

And Lisbeth Salander outside her secret apartment:-

The view of Stockholm from near Michael Blomquist's flat:-

After the tour we took a ferry over to the Vasa museum. The Vasa was a ship that sank in the Stockholm harbour on her maiden voyage in 1623 - they had put the incorrect amount of ballast in the ship which meant that it went straight down to the bottom shortly after it's launch. It was dredged up in 1959 and has been put on display in an impressive building. It is remarkably well preserved.

The Vasa:-

Some of the sailors on shore leave, and a model showing how it looked in all it's glory:-

We had a fairly rushed tour of the Vasa as our parking was running out and we had a long drive ahead to our next hotel in Gothenburg. We ended up doing about 8 hours of driving on this day, arriving at Gothenburg at midnight.

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