Friday 14 October 2011

Frederikstad and Sarpsborg - Day 5 - 10/10/11

Monday - another meeting at an industrial estate for Sarah, another day of sight seeing for me. Sarah's meeting was at Sarpsborg, a few miles away from our hotel in Frederikstad.

I realised that we were in Norway when I stopped at a petrol station to get a few snacks - crisps, coke and biscuits - and got no change from £10!

After dropping Sarah off I had a look around the sleepy town centre then went around another, less impressive open air museum and had a look at a bronze age (500bc) rock carving of a longboat, just outside Sarpsborg. I took Sarah to have a look once she'd finished her meeting:-

We headed back to Frederikstad and had a look around the historic old town:-

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