Friday 14 October 2011

Frederikstad, Halden, Oslo - Day 6 - 11/10/11

I was feeling the after effects of last nights wine, we had been taken out for a delicious meal by one of Sarah's work contact's. I don't normally drink wine so had a sore head, wah!

I did my chauffering duties, dropping Sarah off for her meeting, then crawling into the back of the Volvo for a nap before going to the towns fort and sitting in the sun on the rampart's to read a bit more of the Stieg Larsson book.

Once Sarah had finished her meeting, we drove to Oslo. We arrived at about 5pm and were due to meet some friends of Sarah's for dinner at 7.30pm. As this was the only chance for Sarah to see something of Oslo, and the last day of car hire, we did a couple of sights on the outskirts of the city.

The downhill ski ramp which, unfortunately, was shut so we could not go up it for the view over the city:-

And the Vigeland sculpture park, one of the sights on my must see list :-

We arrived at the hotel just in time to meet up with Sarah's friends who took us out for a very tasty Vietnamese meal and showed us around the centre of Oslo. We ended the evening with a walk around the roof of the Oslo Opera house:-

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