Saturday 29 October 2011

Foremark Reservoir

I watched one of my favourite movies, "Deliverance" this morning for the first time in years. Coincidentally, I headed straight out to a reservoir after watching it (in the movie the group of friends are on a canoe trip on a stretch of river that is about to be turned into a reservoir, but find that the locals aren't very friendly).

Fortunately, Derbyshire's hillbillies were more interested with fishing than with interfering with this cityboy.

It was a beautiful morning and the dogs were romping around like puppies.

I intended to do a circuit of the reservoir, ending up back at the car park, but when I got to the dam wall, right next to the car park, I found signs saying it was forbidden to use the road or dam banks. There was a friendly troll on guard duty who wouldn't let me pass and so I had to retrace my steps.

On the way back I decided to ignore the signs warning about soft mud and take a shortcut. I ended up on all fours crawling up a muddy bank, I didn't like to think too hard about the origins of the mud.

It reminded me of the infamous scene in Deliverance although, fortunately, I didn't have a hillbilly behind me trying to make me squeal!

I spent the afternoon washing myself and the dogs but still have the smell of the mud up my nose.

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