Saturday 31 October 2009

New York Trip

Had a smooth flight over,leaving a bit later than scheduled as the plane was delayed coming in to LHR but made up time crossing the Atlantic and we arrived early at JFK. I flew with Kuwait Airlines - a cheap flight but there were the minor niggles - i didn't bother with the films as the sound and picture quality was terrible and the cabin lighting on my part of the plane wasn't working.

I got through customs in record time - my luggage was one of the first off the plane. I then had a short taxi ride to Nick and Dayna's, found their spare key as they were both still out at work and got in just in time to watch "Survivor".

Yesterday I set off into Manhattan with Nick and did some of the sights - first I went up the Empire State Building. I did that about 9am and was fortunate to miss the crowds, when I got back down 40 minutes later there was a long queue forming.

I then walked over to Grand Central Station and had a look at the concourse, a very impressive building. Next I walked back to the NY library for a free tour at 11 am which was well worth doing. the library and Grand Central buildings are both in the "Beaux Arts" style. The library is incredible, built from solid marble.

In the afternoon I waddled along to Times Square and down Broadway. I was starting to flag with my back aching from all the standing up/walking. I bought a guide book for New York state for my road trip next week - a "moon" guidebook - not come across them before but it was the only NY state guidebook in the shop and it looks like a similar format to the Lonely Planet books.

Had a coffee then headed back to Nick's office and commuted back with him. Had my first proper meal since the diet began - a Thai green curry from the local takeaway. It tasted delicious.

Wednesday 28 October 2009


This was taken 04/07/09, 10 days before I started the diet.

Monday 26 October 2009

Weigh in and holiday preparations

11th Weigh in - Day 103 - 14st 5lbs - 91kg

It has been two and a half weeks since the last weigh in and another 5lbs have gone. I stocked up on the bars/shakes for my New York trip which starts on Thursday. I will try and keep this blog updated while I am away. The ideal would be to stay on the meal plan I am on at the moment but that may not be possible when I am on the road or if I am eating out.

The plan is to spend the first few days in NY city with my friends Nick & Dayna. I have booked a hire car for a week - 02/11 - 09/11 and intend to head up to the Niagara Falls via the Finger Lakes area then head over to the Adirondacks and back to NYC, perhaps via the Catskills.

Having read the rental agreement I note that I am able to take the car over the Canadian border so might do that. Another possibility is to head further north into New England. I will probably have plenty to see just in NY state though. When I get back to NYC I will have a few more days to do a bit more sightseeing.

I shall be flying out dressed like Charlie Chaplin and shall be flinging out old clothes as I go along. I will do a shopathon at Woodbury Common Outlet Centre which is near my friends house - 220 stores!!

Sunday 25 October 2009

I am Justice by Paul Kenyon

I am just about finished this book. I saw the Panorama programme recently and then saw the book in the library. It's incredible the risks economic migrants from Africa are prepared to take to try to reach Europe

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Mr Blobby....

Was in the charts last time I was in the 13 stones. The scales read 13 st 13 lbs when I stepped on them this morning, woohoo. This was in my birthday suit though, so 4 or 5 lbs lighter than the regular weigh ins at my fatfighters meetings that I have been posting on this blog.

Sunday 18 October 2009


I was going to walk the dogs in the local country park this morning but decided, en route, to head out to the Peak District and do a walk in Cromford that I have done a few times before - starting at Arkwights Mill and following the Canal for a mile or so, then head back up a steep hill and down to the village through fields used for grazing sheep. It was a nice sunny morning and not many people were about so I was glad I had the change of plan. Bruno, as usual managed to snuffle out a stinky mud wallow and got thoroughly caked. Fortunately, Milo didn't notice it.

I am currently reading "The Lincoln Hunters" by Wilson Tucker a sci fi set in the 2500's where its possible to time travel back to the historic event of your choice, for a fee. The plot being set around a trip back to record a speech against slavery by Lincoln. I am also reading "The Carhullan Army" by Sarah Hall a dystopia set in a Britain post an economic collapse, a puppet state of the USA, ruled by a dictatorship with the heroine escaping North to join the rebel army of the title.

Monday 12 October 2009


Did a walk around Youlgreave on Sunday. There was a lot of livestock around so kept the dogs on their leads. I couldn't follow the directions on my intended walk very easily from the outset so gave up on it and just ambled around on some of the zillions of public footpaths around this village.

I only ended up doing about 4 miles as, after about an hour, I felt pretty lethargic. Hoping to get an energy boost, I ate my packed lunch at 10am and carried on for another hour or so but it started drizzling so headed back to the car. I hadn't been to Youlgreave before, a nice village, will have to come back on a sunnier day. I stopped at Bakewell on the way back for a quick wander round the shops.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Nearly there

10th Weigh in - Day 85 - 14st 10lbs - 93kgs

I had my measurements taken as well:-

Waist 40" (was 48.5 at start of diet)
Hips 41.5" (47.5)
Chest 39" (50)
Arms 12.25" (16)
Thighs 19.5" (21.5)

My meals consist of:-

Breakfast: 1 CD Bar + 30g Porridge
Lunch: 1 CD Bar + Bowl of salad
Dinner: Small Jacket Potato (100g)/40g brown pasta/40g brown rice + 180g Chicken Breast/tin tuna/335g cottage cheese + salad/brocolli/spinach + 50kcal fruit (eg 1 apple).

Only 2lbs lost this week but that is good given that I have re-introduced food.

This week I will increase the protein a bit by adding 100g King Prawns to my lunch time salad.

I have done 3 sessions in the gym so far this week - on the exercise bike and the rowing machine. I have lost a lot of strength with the weight loss and the low calorie intake - I could only manage 10 minutes rowing when I had intended to do an hour. I will have to build up my rowing time gradually.

I am currently reading two books from the library - "Brother Odd" by Dean Koontz - the 3rd in his 4 book series and "Red Partisan" by Nikolai Obryn'ba - the interesting memoir of a Russian WWII POW who escaped to fight as a partisan in the Russian forests.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Reintroducing food this week

9th Weigh In - Day 78 - 14st 12lbs - 94kg

Another 6lbs this week!! Have done some sweaty gym sessions which have helped.

I will reduce the diet to 2 cambridge diet bars/shakes plus some carefully weighed and chosen food starting tomorrow. This will hopefully prevent any further attacks of gout but will slow down my weight loss.