Friday 1 October 2010

No more TV

As my TV licence is up for renewal today and I had a phone call from them wanting me to renew/set up a direct debit, I decided to ditch the TV altogether and see whether I miss it. I've been meaning to do this for sometime as I tend to watch more stuff online anyway. So I've spent this rainy day trying to get through to Sky to cancel my subscription.

I'm still on the diet and will try to stay on it a week or 2 longer. I have lost 15 lbs so now weigh 14 stone 7lbs.


  1. Ahh delicious - a cup of tea at last - have come off the diet as I'm out on the town tonight.

  2. I think you're meant to have a licence if you watch online - don't know how they'd police it though

  3. You only need a licence to watch a tv connected to an aerial its fine to watch programs on computer as long as they aren't live broadcasts eg sports events.
