Friday 29 October 2010

Brooklyn Heights

I trip over was fine until I got into the cab at JFK airport after about 10 minutes the driver switched off his meter and said sorry he'd taken a wrong turning, his mistake. It then took him 2 hours to do a 30 minute journey...... Oh well, I got there eventually and he didn't charge me. I can't believe he'd queue up at the airport with absolutely no idea of the city and without a map or sat nav.

Yesterday was a beautiful summery day - 21 degrees and bright sunshine. I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge and explored Brooklyn Heights a nice residential area where a number of authors lived (Truman Capote, W H Auden, Thomas Wolfe) I stopped at Juniors restaurant for lunch to try their famous cheesecake - the first few bites were delicious but it was very filling and a bit sickly by the end of the slice.

I pick up the car this morning in Manhattan and have had a change of plan, I am going to drive around New England rather than Pennsylvania. My first stop will be the historic shipyard at Mystic, Connecticut. I will plan the trip as I go along, not sure whether I will find internet access on the way but will update this if I can.

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