Monday 28 September 2009

Gym Induction

I had a tour round the gym today with a trainer trying out the machines and working out a programme of exercises to do. Did a few minutes on each of the machines and a set of each of the suggested weight exercises. It is now down to me to get on with it. I intend to try to do 5 hour long sessions a week, a mixture of cardiovascular and weight training exercises.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Chee Dale

Did this very enjoyable walk this morning. Rather than striking inland to Blackwell, I carried along by the river for a bit and then turned back staying with the river all the way back to the car park. This meant I went through the most spectacular part of the walk, by Chee Tor, twice. The water was crystal clear and full of trout. The dogs loved splashing in the river and got thoroughly soaked(and then invited themselves into someones riverside house at the end of the walk! eek!). I will definitely be doing this walk again, stretches of the river reminded me of the river walk in Zion National Park, Utah that I did about this time last year.

I saw a doctor yesterday regarding the results of the blood test. He was happy for me to continue with the Cambridge Diet. Apart from the raised levels of Uric Acid in the blood, he said the test also showed a slightly high level of one of the liver enzymes. He thought that this may also be a side effect of the diet and suggested I have another blood test in 6 months time.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Got Gout

8th Weigh in - Day 71 - 15 st 4 lbs - 97kg

Surprised that I have managed to lose another 6lbs this week, this far into the diet. I am on an add a meal week this week so am looking forward to my tin of tuna and stick of celery each day. I will then go back onto just the bars/shakes until my trip to New York at the end of October, when I will stop the diet completely for the duration of the holiday. It will be a good opportunity to see how I cope on real food again and will have to avoid the junk food and be very careful with the carbohydrates.

I have finally heard from the gym after much chasing up. I have my induction session on Monday.

Just rang the Dr's surgery for the result of the blood test which confirms that the pain in my ankle was gout. Will see a Dr tomorrow to discuss what this means regarding the diet.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Lost a Labrador

In weight that is. Hard to believe I was lugging all that about.

7th Weigh in - Day 64 - 15st 10lbs - 99kg

Hit a lot of targets this week -

I have lost 5 st
I have lost 25% of bodyweight
My BMI has reduced to just under 30 meaning I am now overweight rather than obese

Took my measurements which are now-

Waist 42
Hips 42.5
Chest 41
Arms 13.5
Thighs 21

Sunday 13 September 2009

Carsington Water

Got up bright and early and did this walk this morning. A great walk for the dogs as they were able to run off lead for most of it and there was plenty of mud and water to splash in.

Friday 11 September 2009

Chatsworth House

Did this walk this morning with the dogs. Really enjoyed it as there was hardly anyone else about and the weather was perfect. The dogs found a series of stagnant mud wallows to roll in, luckily I had remembered to put a towel in the boot. My ankle was a lot better with the occasional jolt of agony if I missed my footing, giving me "granny ankle".

I Saw a Doctor about it this afternoon and will have a blood test to determine whether it is gout or not next Friday. In the meantime, stick with the plan. She said if it was gout then she wouldn't have expected me to be able to do the 11km walk I had done this morning and would have expected my ankle to look red and feel hot to the touch. She had no other explanation as to what it could be if not gout though(given that I have definitely not twisted/injured it in any way recently).

Thursday 10 September 2009

A Bout of Gout

Woke up with a pain in my ankle/foot making walking painful. I had the same thing 4 weeks ago and was laid up for a day. I believe its Gout but will hobble to the Dr's this afternoon. I would guess that it is a side effect of the Cambridge Diet. Will see what the Dr advises.

A pity as it's a beautiful day and I intended doing a hike in the Peak District this morning.

Monday 7 September 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Man

6th Weigh in - Day 54 - 16st - 101kg

Another great result. Not done much exercise this last week as I was away - just lawn mowing and dog walking. Will pick up with the Jogging again tomorrow. Will also have to chase up the gym so I can start doing some miles on the bikes. The Dr's referral scheme allows you £1 a session for 16 weeks and then a reduced membership afterwards. Not bad at all, will hopefully enable me to get into a routine first without having to sign up to a direct debit.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Online Brouhaha

It's not like me to get involved in online hoo-ha but just had a spat with a bunch of street photographers I felt over stepped the mark. It's self explanatory so here it is. NB excuse the slightly fruity language.