Thursday 23 February 2012


I was out for a few drinks in town today with my friends Jason and Mark, following the funeral of our friend Chris.

We got talking about my old office building which is almost empty now while it awaits redevelopment. It has long been rumoured to be haunted and builders have recently been complaining of some spooky goings on - ghostly hands on the shoulder and figures glimpsed down the corridors. Also there are apparently pentagrams on the walls in the roofspace.

As we were just around the corner, we decided to do an impromptu paranormal investigation.

My old office:-

The "pentagrams":-
Who you gonna call? :-

We went down to the old cells. One of the ghosts is said to be that of a DJ who hung himself while held in one of the cells:-
Then up into one of the Courtrooms which we blundered through as it was pitch dark with no windows and we couldn't find the light switch, lots of ghostly orbs in the courtroom photo's (I think my lens probably needs a clean):-

1 comment:

  1. Some of the photo's I took which Mark has spookified.
