Saturday 20 August 2011


I took the dogs to Dovedale this morning. I'd aimed to get there early to avoid the hordes of ice cream eaters, but didn't set off until nearly nine o'clock, as I was watching a film on my laptop ("Mesrine Part 1" a French film about the gangster Jacques Mesrine).

I have a months free trial with Love Film at the moment (plus a £15 Amazon voucher that they gave me for doing the free trial!). On top of the DVD's that they select from your movie list and post out to you, there are hundreds of movies available to watch for free on your computer.

There weren't many people there when I arrived and I set off to do the walk along the Dale to the village of Milldale - returning on the same route (last time I came here, I walked back to the car park across fields on the hills alongside the valley. I had to lift the dogs over about 20 dry stone walls and was exhausted by the time I got to the car).

I stopped at Pickering Tor to take a photo and was over taken by a couple who must have arrived at the same time as me. They told me that I had left my book on the boot of my car. So no "extreme reading" for me, as the car park was about 3 miles back. Given the amount of people visiting the Dale, I didn't expect to see it there when I returned. It's a good book "The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp" by W H Davies. He was a Welshman who spent his life as a tramp travelling across America and around the British Isles at the beginning of the twentieth century. The band Supertramp took there name from the title of this book apparently. A couple of my colleagues have seen it on my desk and are queueing up to borrow it.

The dogs loved splashing about in the river, and kept plunging in as and when they felt like it. It's a nice shallow river so safe for them to paddle in.

The gnats had woken up by the time I had got about half way back to the car. There was a swarm at the stepping stones. This seems to be as far as the majority of people walk - missing all of the best sights.
I got back to the car and was pleased to see my book still where I'd left it.


  1. Wow I stop looking for a couple of weeks and find you've added loads of dogs and fairies - pushing the figurines to the bottom of first page!

  2. There's that old saying "a watched blog never posts"
