Sunday 5 September 2010

Billing Aquadrome

I went on a day trip to visit the caravanners in Northampton. I've driven past the signs for this place on the M1 for years and wondered what it was. It's a huge campsite with a lot of lakes and an indoor pool with a waterslide. I was expecting a spaghetti junction like network of pipes in order to qualify as an "aquadrome" but there was just the one slide. The dogs were well behaved despite having to spend most of the time leashed as they weren't allowed in the caravan. I won the gogo fingerboard stacking contest and had the hairiest back in the Aquadrome - Woohoo.


  1. Is this a different caravan site to All Hallows? Two different Russell caravan trips in a week???

  2. Yes, just Linda and co. at this campsite.

  3. Good news - the biopsy showed no sign of any cancerous cells just need to keep an eye on it in case it increases in size.
