Sunday 26 September 2010

Black Rocks, Cromford

I drove out to Cromford this morning and went to the top of the Black Rocks which has a good view over the village. I then walked along some of the woodland trails around the rocks before heading down to Cromford via the canal. A link HERE to a short video explaining why they are called the Black Rocks

I've been on the diet for a week now and have lost an amazing 11 lbs, so I tip the scales at 14 st 11 lbs now. I intend to stay on the diet for a couple more weeks, if I have the willpower to stay on it that long.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Mini diet

I have been back on the diet this week as my weight had gone back up to 15 st 8 lb. Today is day 5 and I'm back down to 15 st. I will try and stay on the diet now for a few weeks to get back to somewhere near my 13 st ideal which I reached at the beginning of the year. One of the biggest things I miss is tea which isn't the same without a drop of milk - unfortunately milk will effect the fat burning process so is a no-no.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Carsington Water

I thought I'd make the most of the nice weather today - before Autumn descends on us - and headed out to the Peak District to do a walk around the lake. I was in a no map reading, no lifting-labradors-over-stiles mood so did this 8.5 mile walk which I have done a few times before.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Sunday 5 September 2010

Billing Aquadrome

I went on a day trip to visit the caravanners in Northampton. I've driven past the signs for this place on the M1 for years and wondered what it was. It's a huge campsite with a lot of lakes and an indoor pool with a waterslide. I was expecting a spaghetti junction like network of pipes in order to qualify as an "aquadrome" but there was just the one slide. The dogs were well behaved despite having to spend most of the time leashed as they weren't allowed in the caravan. I won the gogo fingerboard stacking contest and had the hairiest back in the Aquadrome - Woohoo.

Friday 3 September 2010

All Hallows - Blue flag beach

I visited the caravanners at All Hallows near Rochester on a day trip. As you can see, its a lovely spot nestled between a power station and an oil refinery with miles of mud flats to explore. I left the dogs with Mum for the day as Bruno had been unwell the day before, not wanting to walk anywhere and I also noticed a lump on his shoulder similar to the one Milo had last year. I came back home yesterday so that the vet could do a biopsy on it. I should know the results early next week. A picture of Bruno in Mums kitchen, newly decorated thanks to Alan.