Thursday 28 January 2010

Weigh in, jog, brick shifting

15th Weigh in - Day 197 - 13st 8lbs - 86 kgs

I had a weigh in as I was meeting my Cambridge Diet Counsellor to fill in some blanks on my application form. it's two months since my last weigh in and I've lost a couple more pounds so I am happy with that.

I jogged (albeit at a very geriatric pace) all the way there which I am pleased with, as it is the first decent sized run I have done since starting to lose the weight - approximately 4 miles each way. I intended to get the bus back but got impatient waiting for one so jogged most of the way back as well - as far as the city centre which was a bit too busy with the lunch crowds for me to jog through.

I spent the afternoon shifting bricks into my back garden as some twerps threw one through someones car window the other night. I had already stacked up most of the loose bricks in my car port. The police called out a Council work team and having got the insurance companies ok I let them take some of the smaller lumps of bricks and a couple of wheelie bins that I had filled with the useless broken bricks and rubble. I then moved the ones I'd stacked up into my back garden.


  1. Such a nice neighbourhood you live in in Nottingham!

  2. Yep, just got in from an insomniac 2 am dog walk to find a student standing on the rubble urinating on my flowerbed. He said he was sorry but that didnt stop him carrying on and having a good shake before he left!! %@%"*!+ as Asterix would say.
