Friday 22 January 2010

A day's food

Inspired by the tv show "you are what you eat" where they put the persons weekly food intake on a groaning table, I thought I'd put together my food intake for today, ignoring the dozen or so cups of tea/coffee.

The real ales are a leftover from the book I've just finished - Bar None by Tim Lebbon after a plague five survivors are holed up in a mansion with a cellar full of beer. Their small patch of Wales is peaceful while the rest of the surviving population are eating each other. As their supplies dwindle, a passing stranger tells them about Bar None in Cornwall where there's plenty of beer so off they go on a road trip through the nightmarish countryside. The author titled each chapter after a real ale. As I normally stick to lager I thought I'd try a few as I read the book. I might have been converted.

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