Saturday 18 August 2012

The Womble Trap

One of the minor irritations of City living is that, on most bin days, and in particular in the summer when the student houses are cleared of their unwanted belongings, a small group of scavengers hoik through the rubbish looking for treasure, pulling bags out and scattering their contents all over the street. I politely asked the main offender, "Mrs Womble" to clear up the mess that she had made the other week and she merely looked through me, as if I were a ghost.

As I have been clearing brambles from my garden this week, and as I saw another regular, the "ginger womble" rummaging through one of my neighbours bins the other day, leaving this mess:-

I decided to make a womble trap.

Step 1

 Take a large carrier bag and insert a base layer of vacuum cleaner dust then add chopped bramble cuttings
 Step 2

Bulk out bag with some household rubbish

Step 3
Top off with some bait, here I have used a couple of VHS tapes and an old playstation game. All that remains is for me to lay the trap in one of the student house bins and sit back on bin day twitching my curtains

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