Thursday 28 June 2012

Rainy Day

I intended to head to the beach for a couple of days yesterday, but delayed going as the weather wasn't very beachy. I abandoned those plans, this morning, as the weather was like this:-

Instead, I went to see an exhibition at the Nottingham Contemporary, of video's by Mika Rottenberg, and prints by James Gillray, the 18th century caricaturist.

I tried to see this earlier in the month but discovered that the Gallery is closed on Mondays. Here are some photo's I took of the outside of the gallery, last time I visited:-

I was pleased I went as the exhibition ends on 1st July and the Mika Rottenberg video's were my kind of bizarre.

Squeeze is a 20 minute film showing how this spam like cube, made from blusher, rubber and lettuce was made from various body fluids that are harvested in a weird factory:-
The Olympic Torch comes to Nottingham today, and there is an evening of festivities lined up. As the weather seems to be improving, I will probably take the dogs out and have a look

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