Saturday 19 November 2011

Stocking the Bunker for the Euro Crisis

There was a good offer on dog food so I loaded up 6 months supply. Next door at Sainsbury's I saw an offer of 10p off petrol for a £60 spend and so I loaded up with tinned stuff that will last me a while. I ended up with a full car load, full petrol tank and empty wallet - £350 all told.

Sunday 13 November 2011

The Star Wars Painting

Here's the painting in all its glory.

A friend asked my parents to bring it back to the UK when they left Washington DC in 1978 and look after it until she also returned. My parents never heard from her again and the painting has lain in their loft ever since.

It is said to have been painted by the actor who played Darth Vader - David Prowse AKA the Green Cross Code man - although I have no idea why it has the initials "NG" in the top corner.

I'm not sure whether it's meant to be a medieval warrior or a psychotic green cross code man perhaps.

With that provenance, it must be worth a fortune! Make me an offer - otherwise it's going straight into my loft.

Sunday 6 November 2011


Here are some photo's of Mum's house move this weekend. The move was complicated by the hire van coming with 5 slashed tyres. They had slow punctures which we only noticed once they had deflated with a full load of furniture. Consequently the whole of Saturday was wasted while Stuart and an AA man scoured SE London looking for some new tyres of the right size.

The "Marshmallow suite" sadly won't make it to the new house.

The "deflatomobile" -

The dogs were a bit neglected, here they are surveying the school's extension next door

Trying to squeeze an azalea into the boot without success