Monday 26 July 2010

Labrador Power

I was back at Cromer/Sheringham this weekend with the dogs and my friend Chris in his caravan - which is tiny - no bigger than his Ford focus, but it fits in a double and a single bed and everything you need except for a toilet and shower. The weather was good and the dogs had a great time splashing in the sea. We did about 10 miles each day on Friday and Saturday and came back on Sunday. The dogs have been sleeping ever since.

Monday 12 July 2010

Diet Anniversary

It's been a year since I started my diet and I am tipping the scales at 14 and a half stone. I am pleased with that although I got down to 13 stone and I could do with shedding another 10 lbs or so.

I think I need to build in daily exercise now in order to reach and maintain my ideal weight. I move office next month so might try jogging to work (although its only a 10 minute jog) if there are sufficient changing facilities.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Linda's stripey wardrobe curtain

Tenants appreciate good interior design, which I guess explains why the curtain has survived 9 years of tenants and 3 sets of owners since I sold the house.