Saturday 9 April 2011


I've had my internet back for a couple of weeks now so had better update the blog. My friend Alex from Hong Kong was over at the beginning of March so I took a couple of days off. We went to Portsmouth and had a look at HMS Victory and the Gunwharf Quays shopping area.

The next day was spent in London. A tour of Freemasons Hall was top on the list of Alex's to do list so we did the free tour of the building first. I got the same culty vibe that I felt going around the Beehive house in Salt Lake City but no Lemon drop at the end.

After that Alex met up with clients for lunch in China town and I had a look in some of the second hand bookshops on Charing Cross Road and had a couple of pints in "The Porcupine." In the afternoon we walked over to the Tate Modern via Whitehall.